Okay, who else has been waking up to a June bug apocalypse?
It’s not unusual around these parts for June bugs to start showing up in May. I suppose weather can affect their season. This year’s onset was actually June, more like late June. Maybe the din of the cicadas kept them at bay for a while.
At least they’re harmless to humans (but not plant life per my Googling). Having to clean up the carcasses scattered across the floor is a minor annoyance.
For a smattering of pop culture references, check out this Wikipedia page. Interestingly “June Bug” was “a pre-production codename for the Commodore Amiga 600 home computer, named after the B52’s song, and released in March 1992.” I mean, it’s not the Commodore 64, but hey, we can’t all be legendary.
July this year is seeming almost normalish. Independence Day celebrations, vacations, gatherings.
Maybe that’s the goal. Normalish.
After a year-and-a-half of anything but.
While the din of variants and how long do antibodies last and what’s going to happen in the fall is still audible in the distance.
While we try to move on from or with those intent on cancelling others over politics or theology. Or over scientific beliefs held onto like they’re religion.
Enjoy the summer and try to be normalish.