
The girl who gets things done? The woman who gets things done? The person who gets things done? I don’t know, political correctness has never been high on my list.

Hi, I’m Jenn.

Author, musician, speaker, creative type, nonprofit leader, sales rep … and chemical engineer. You think I’m kidding about that last one. I am not. Check my LinkedIn. You never know if you’ll find me in my left brain or right brain or somewhere in the middle.

When I’m not creating art with words, music, or paint and various crafty things you can find me managing projects from all walks of life.

I write mostly about life, faith, and things that happen to me. Also my opinions. I have lots of opinions. You know you want to hear them.

Thanks for visiting my site. I hope you’ll find …

something to inspire you

something to make you laugh, and

something to make you think.

Stick around a while, and reach out if I can be of help.

~ St. Jenn the Responsible One