Whiteness and Toxic Masculinity

“I need more white paint chips to choose from.” “Okay, I’ll stop by the store soon and get a bunch. How white are you wanting the cabinets?” “Very white.” Have you ever looked at paint color names and wondered how they come up with them? Or thought you could do so much better? I mean, […]

Pool Day

Today’s musings brought to you by oh-my-gosh-the-weather-actually-looks-like-a-pool-day. So we’ll keep it short and sweet. Also happy belated Bastille Day. The weather around here has been a mixed bag of beautiful summer days and uncharacteristically mild, sometimes even cold, rainy days. While I don’t do great with temperature extremes, some hot weather sans thunderstorms would be […]

Books and Masks and Such

According to my fitness tracker, my breathing was kind of meh overnight. Which may help explain why I’m a complete and total space cadet today. Stupid pollen. But slog through the springtime I must. I’m not good for much else at the moment, so I’ve been binging an audiobook – The Book of Lost Friends. […]

Mamma Mia

I hopped into the car thinking I’d fire up a podcast, sleep deprived and not yet caffeinated. Much to my delight the music was already on shuffle and featuring a tune from the Mamma Mia soundtrack. Shuffle knows. Trust the shuffle. Discussion topic: The theological implications of songs from the Mamma Mia soundtrack. It is […]