Picture Pages

Picture pages, picture pages

Time to get your picture pages

Time to get your crayons and your pencils

That jingle has been running through my head. I consulted my best friend Google to figure out from where in my childhood it came. Captain Kangaroo! Which I’m sure dates me, but as far as you-all know, I’m still twenty-nine. I had no recollection that the segment starred the since disgraced Bill Cosby. My apologies to anyone who is triggered by his presence.

Speaking of everyone’s favorite purveyor of pudding pops, did anyone else ever find the Fat Albert cartoons anxiety-producing? Just me? Okay, fine. I don’t remember what it was about them that bothered me, just that they did. I highly doubt I had a sixth sense about the creator of the show. Anyway.

As I mentioned last week, I’ve been spending time with the sketchpad. I find visual reminders helpful in keeping my creative scattered brain on track. So I did a little study on a groovy depiction of my 2020 Word of the Year.

Sometimes we need lines to guide us.
Work in progress. I was playing with the color of the flowers to see what I like best.

Focus is the name of the game. Which might sound ironically vague. What am I focused on exactly? Thanks for asking. I am focused on health and publishing. Health meaning maintaining healthy habits for eating and exercise. Publishing meaning the manuscript I’ve had in the works for a while. It’s time.

Healthy eating-wise, you can connect to the products I use via my links page. I’ve become a connoisseur of protein and snack bars you can pick up at the grocery store as well. And I have my go-to choices at places like Starbucks and Panera. Maybe I’ll do a post in the future on what I actually eat.

Nutrition is so important. You can roll your eyes, you can stay in denial (I’ve spent plenty of time living in that neighborhood myself and still do on occasion, it’s a learning process), but it’s difficult to fulfill the purpose to which you have been called when your blood sugar is jacked. When you have no energy. When you feel sick. Better nutrition begets less brain fog begets … drumroll, my people … better focus.


Step one of publishing is having a larger platform than I do now. Most of you catch the weekly blog post via social media links. Which is much appreciated. A more reliable means of knowing when I’ve put some words together, though, is getting those posts (and any other relevant news) directly in your email inbox.

Everyone who subscribes to email updates will receive a printable pdf of my groovy Focus artwork. Get creative and color it in … leave it black & white … print multiple copies and try different color schemes … whatever makes you happy. I’d love to see what you do with it, so feel free to post and tag me on social media.

Thanks for reading, friends! Time to go focus.

Unlike what I was doing in this photo, keep looking up.

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