Freedom 2020

That title is a not so veiled reference to this classic, groundbreaking video and to the approaching July 4th holiday.

I’ve been listening to the audiobook version of If You Can Keep It by my new spirit animal Eric Metaxas.

Okay, just kidding, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is still my spirit animal.

Also I read this week that saying “spirit animal” is racist toward indigenous people. I try to be sensitive and compassionate and make sure those who feel “less than” are included and seen. But in the words of my great times however many grandma Pocahontas … come at me, bro.

Also I’m reminded of a visit to Cracker Barrel last fall, during which we spied a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man doll on the way to the hostess stand.

“Oh, it’s the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. He’s my spirit animal,” I said.

Twenty minutes later at the dinner table the five-year-old uttered, out of the blue, “I don’t think the marshmallow man is an animal.”

Out of the mouths of babes. He’s a smart one.


Benjamin Franklin, upon leaving Independence Hall on the final day of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, reportedly was asked, “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

To which he replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

The Metaxas book, released in 2016, discusses the uniqueness – both in the 18th century and still today – of the formation of a country based on common ideas and ideals. Every other nation out there has come about based on common ethnic background and/or geography. In the current climate of cancel culture and our seeming inability to debate darn near anything, a visit to the original intent and character of the founding fathers seems timely.

I’m only a couple hours into the book, but Metaxas is discussing the … wait for it … say this next phrase in that deep movie trailer announcer’s voice … ready … set … go …

Δ The Golden Triangle of Freedom Δ

Cue epic motivational music.

The Golden Triangle of Freedom – a phrase and concept from author Os Guiness – is the idea that self-government works because of the relationship between freedom, virtue, and faith.

It sounds a lot like the Carousel of Progress. But it’s different. And it’s triangular.

As my attention continues getting jerked around from place to place and around in circles like a carousel, I find myself longing for freedom and peace. Everyone has an opinion and feels compelled to shove it down everyone else’s throat. You can’t even share what ought to be a non-controversial view without someone having to speak up to contradict you. It’s like the not so proverbial teenager who responds to statements like “the sky is blue” with “no, it’s not”.

Everyone who has been refusing to wear masks in public (or to socially distance, avoid risky gatherings, etc.) to help combat the coronavirius pandemic, resulting in mandatory mask orders in many places … you’re the not so proverbial teenagers.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

Some of you claim “science” as your justification. Your version of science is a steaming pile of excrement. Some of you claim outdated science as your justification. Kind of like a dried out pile of excrement that still smells when you get close enough. Some of you go searching for a source to justify whatever your version of facts already is, not unlike people handpicking bible verses out of context. You know, to depict the God they’ve made in their own image.

A small percentage of you have a legit medical exemption from mask wearing. Blessings and grace to you.

Many however, it seems, just refuse to be bothered.

Thank you to those who get it.

Endurance, my people.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. ~2 Tim 4:7

With freedom comes responsibility. Use it or lose it.

I’ll end with this great quote a friend shared … from a certain famed vagabond evangelist, not a political pundit …

“The anything-goes morality of the religious and political Left is matched by the sanctimonious moralism of the religious and political Right. Uncritical acceptance of any party line is an idolatrous abdication of one’s core identity as Abba’s child. Neither liberal fairy dust nor conservative hardball addresses human dignity, which is often dressed in rags.” ~Brennan Manning

Garlic scapes! It’s CSA season.
Someone please write a sermon in a sack based on this pile of scraps leftover from dinner prep.
In this weeks edition of #quarantinebaking … I had a bag of espresso chips leftover from the holiday baking stash. It’s like Christmas in July with devil’s food espresso chip cookies!
Keep looking up.

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