So I’ve Got That Going For Me

Let’s be honest. 2020 continues to be a dumpster fire in many ways.

Being a fan of gratitude and silver linings, however, there’s a phrase making its way into my daily vernacular …

So I’ve got that going for me.

The conversation last weekend went something like this … embellished with artistic license and an aging memory …

“Hey, I’ve got you on speaker because I’m just now getting around to cooking dinner.

I was streaming Hallmark movies earlier, but then our internet was limping so I went for a walk. I was debating since it was going to be a rest day, but then no internet plus I felt like my blood pressure could really use a walk.”

“So you’ve got that going for you.”

I thought the one cloud looked like a cross.

“I did cross Winter in Vail off my list before the wifi went kaput, though. Have you seen that one? Vail was a tiny town with lots of German heritage and they throw together Strudelfest in like six days. I haven’t been, but I doubt it’s like that in real life.”

“Yes! Mmmmm. Strudel.”

“I didn’t make strudel, but I did make a blueberry coffee cake that was amazing.

So I’ve got that going for me.

I also made meatloaf.”

Insert laughter. My inner circle knows I don’t eat boeuf. I have been known to cook it for others on request.

The recipe calls for sprinkling turbinado sugar on top, but nobody actually has that in their kitchen, so white granulated will do just fine.

“You went muffled there for a minute.”

“Oh, sorry, I was taking a pic of garlic and probably had my finger over the mic. I’m putting insane amounts of garlic in my veggie saute.”

“So you’ve got that going for you.”

Garlic as big as your head!

“Oh! You know that dark sweater with the hood you got me a couple Christmases ago? I’ve been using it as a robe. For those times when a thick fuzzy robe is too hot but you need something. It’s becoming a regular part of my quarantine wardrobe.

So I’ve got that going for me.”

I then relayed the Reader’s Digest version of a recent conversation that in one word shed some holy light on a situation.

“I mean, I’ve never done ______, but I do have the spiritual gift of vicious rhetoric.”

“That you do. So you’ve got that going for you.”

P.S. My use of the phrase “vicious rhetoric” originates with this movie clip. From the same film, here’s another favorite I occasionally quote to teeeeens. You’re welcome.

I went on to mention Machiavelli.

“You sounded really smart when you said that.”

“Oh thanks.

So I’ve got that going for me.

I’ll have to work in a Dante’s Inferno reference as well.

Oh hey, I thought the sermon this morning (message starts at ~26:00) was really good. I watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix afterward. I’m pretty sure Jordan had seen it because he quoted a line from it.”

If you or your loved ones are on social media (including YouTube) or even use internet search engines, I recommend The Social Dilemma. It’s a docudrama – part interviews with tech industry experts, part fictional story woven in. The drama factor is a bit over the top, but the subject matter is important and valuable information.

In a pandemic election year when everything is running off the rails … consider this advice. Stop getting into petty social media arguments. Even if you think they’re bigger than petty. Do not engage. Fight the real enemy.

Peace and love, friends.

Speaking of peace, here are a couple musical versions. Not like a Broadway musical. Just musical. Lower case m.

Friends of mine did a Facebook live concert from a local historic theater the other day. The Gaga cover at a little past the 32 minute mark is still running through my head.

I’ve mentioned his latest album before, but Andrew Greer is the gift that keeps on giving. Tune My Heart is on repeat in my ears as I write and is now Dove-nominated.

Make your own metaphor.
Sadly this spatula did not survive the dishwasher.
I was just going to go for a walk and not stop to take pics, but then God said, “Oh really?”
Autumn has arrived at the prairie restoration project.

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