These Boots Were Made for Walking

Actually, my Nike running shoes were made for walking.

On a busy day this week during which I was struggling to fit everything in, including a heart healthy three mile walk, I finally made it out the door.


That’s why I was trying so hard to make it out the door.

Afterward I had time to reward myself with a quick trip to Starbucks.

Goal 1 = use their wifi to download the latest giant update to Disney Emoji Blitz. Seriously, our internet speed here in the not-really-all-that-far-out-in-the-boonies is so like molasses I can get a better connection at Starbucks or sometimes even Target.

Goal 2 = Duh, coffee.

Goal 3 = A butter croissant.

Given my recent experiences seeking caffeine accompanied by the warm, comforting goodness reminiscent of a long ago trip to Paris … my hopes were high but my expectations were fairly low.

On a side note, I’ve been listening to the audiobook version of Eric Metaxas’ 7 Women and the Secret of Their Greatness. The Joan of Arc chapter was quite good, but the narrator’s (not the author) repeated mispronunciation of “dauphin” kind of crushed my soul. I was craving a Frenchie French soul cleansing, not just pastry.

But, you guys … it was a post-Epiphany miracle! 1, 2, 3 … I left Starbucks with a working game, a skinny iced latte, and warm, buttery carbs.

It was seriously like the highlight of my week.

Typically the winter weather in Ohio looks like this …

i.e. It was predicted to be mid-30s Fahrenheit but the thermometer got stuck at 26 and with zero signs of the sun’s existence.

Given the forecast looks similarly cold and dreary for days upon days after today … today’s goal is to wrap this up quickly and get out the door again.

So I can continue to enjoy the occasional treat like this pumpkin streusel coffee cake.  

So good so good so good.
Up close and personal shot.

One quick note … my friend Mitch McVicker launched a Kickstarter for his new album last night. Look here for the details and consider supporting awesome new indie music.

Until next time, keep walking.

Monoliths in the neighborhood!

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