Comparison is the Thief of Joy

I’m not the first person to say, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

The interwebs are having trouble attributing the phrase to any one originator, so we’ll just call it a famous saying.

“You’ve heard it said …”

I’ve heard things said lately that have me noticing a couple phenomena.

There seems to be an attitude among believers, a belief if you will, that they need to do something glorious and extra churchy in order to be of value to God. Among women I sometimes find an assumption that in order to be worthy in the kingdom they need to be married and have babies. Like, they actually believe deep down in their soul that marriage and motherhood is the only way to be a Godly woman. And if they have not achieved those things … then they are a failure.

Hear this. Those are lies straight from Satan.

Men may have a similar belief, I don’t know, maybe it’s just not as prevalent or the lack of a ticking biological clock plays a role.

The Apostle Paul said singleness is preferable, but marriage is great, too. I’m not sure where we got so off track. Some churches do send a very clear message from the pulpit idolizing marriage and procreation. For other people, I think they misinterpreted what they heard preached, plus probably family influence played a role in what they believe is expected of them. The relative complete lack of sermons on singlehood versus marriage and parenthood certainly hasn’t helped. Here is a singleness sermon from a couple years ago I recommend.

In a similar vein, I find some people believe they need to, vocationally, do something glorious and specifically churchy in order to be worthy. Preacher, missionary, nun, etc. But Paul kept making tents. And he said (in Colossians 3:23), “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.”

The body is made of many parts, friends. And loving your neighbor encompasses a big giant broad variety of things.

So maybe take a breath.

It’s not about performance or achievement. It’s not about fame or notoriety even in the name of spreading the gospel. We’re responsible for being faithful, God is responsible for the results.

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” ~Micah 6:8

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