In the Bleak Midwinter

I wrote some new lyrics for a Christmas classic.

In the bleak midwinter
It’s bleak it’s bleak it’s bleak bleak bleak

In a world pandemic
It’s bleak it’s bleak it’s bleak bleak bleak

Groundhog Day is coming soon
It’s like we’re in the movie though

Running on a hamster wheel
A great pandemic hamster wheel

Okay, I’m not as depressed as that sounds. Perhaps you also can find some solace and catharsis in an Adam Sandler The Wedding Singer-like venting of frustration, however.

You haven’t seen the movie or don’t know the song to which I refer? I won’t link to it here, as it’s super-profane. Feel free to look it up. Here’s how The Bleak Midwinter is supposed to go.

I’m not depressed, but I am tired. Pandemic life plus putting the finishing touches on a kitchen remodel in the midst of holiday baking season leads to exhaustion. And to minimal baking getting done. And sometimes to attempting to burn the house down while trying to learn the new stove.

Don’t drive, errr cook sleepy, friends.

As the Covid landscape looks bleak, bleak, bleak and we wonder where the last two (!!!) years went … we need all the things … vaccines, natural immunity, masks, distancing, avoiding gatherings without precautions, well-ventilated spaces, hand hygiene, testing, treatment, healthy lifestyle choices, more accurate reporting and analysis of the data … and most of all, a balance of science and compassion.

Stay safe, sane, and healthy … and love thy neighbor, my people.

Mama cardinal blends in with the bleakness.
And then strikes a pose.
I was really trying to get a shot of this chickadee.
Am I the only one who finds something ominous in an army of Santa figurines?
The decorator shall remain nameless, but here is Linda Blair in sugar form.

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