Bandwidth and Shiny Gold Idols

Greetings from my unplanned hiatus.

Everything is fine. Sometimes life reprioritizes our priorities.

I was talking with friends the other day about the phenomenon in Corporate America of “a job well done is rewarded with more work”. And how too often managers asked to help prioritize projects and tasks just don’t, instead telling their employees to “do it all”. Either literally or in so many words.

I can’t do it all. I don’t have the bandwidth. And I don’t have to. And I’m still awesome.


Careers are fine, but the need to have it all and do it all can be an idol. Do you know what happens when we try to hold on to more than we’re able?

We drop things. Or possibly make abstract art, not sure.

Yesterday I was greeted at the dollar spot by a shiny collection of golden rabbits.

This is what we have come to in 2022. We are to decorate our homes for Resurrection Sunday with five dollar golden calves, um I mean bunnies.

(See Exodus 32 btw.)

On my way to the back of store, I did not see the goose that laid these golden eggs. Not sure what happened to it. Perhaps we sacrificed it on the altar of the bullseye.

I kid about the shiny golden things.

I think.

Right now I’m staring out the window at torrential rain falling and fog making everything just a bit spooky. The weather, as always, is … existing. One week we have half a foot of permafrost leftover from a winter storm, the next we’re breaking out the arks.

Time marches on and all we can do is all we can do.

The woman low on bandwidth sets off across the frozen tundra. Or snaps a pic of the aforementioned permafrost on the roof of her car.
Trash … or abstract art?

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